Try to get in touch with where your power is heading right now. It is entirely possible that you have made decisions in your recent or not so recent past that are now counterproductive to your finding a wonderful mate. I have encountered people who keep telling me:
"I will never have a truly happy relationship." "I am unattractive, other people do not want to be close to me." "I always attract the wrong person." "I am not sociable enough. People do not even want to be friends with me." "I've been hurt badly. I think I will not love again." "I cannot talk well. People do not find me interesting." If you look closely enough, you'll notice that all of the people mentioned above hold some kind of beliefs within and about themselves. They feel that they are unattractive, too fat, too thin, too old, too ugly and uninteresting and thus they are unable to attract or capture the heart of a person whom they like. Some admit that they are very shy, unsociable, and do not like to be part of a big group of people, and thus without some sort of charisma, they feel they will never be able to find and attract a wonderful partner for themselves.
Then there are others who have been in bad relationships or marriages before and are hurt so badly that they begin to believe that they will never have a truly happy relationship, and so will never attract a right and perfect mate again.
There is one basic truth of the law of the Universe which you have to remember, and that is:
Believe, and you'll see
Many of us are being taught that 'seeing is believing.' It sounds logical, isn't it? You have to see some kind of concrete proof with your eyes first, only then will you believe that it is a fact. This is why we are always feeling that we are under the control of our outer circumstances, external events or other people. We feel that things and events are not within our control. There is nothing we can do about it.
Now, I'm going to tell you that it should be the other way round! Think about it. Take as long as you want to realize this truth - Believe, and you'll see.
You don't see to believe. You believe first, and then you'll see it all happening. This is how the events, circumstances and things in our daily lives happen. A lot of events or circumstances in our daily lives do not happen just by chance, by accident, by fate or by destiny. We create them, whether consciously or unconsciously. We are the creators of our own destiny. There are no accidents.
Thus, the very first step to finding and attracting a perfect partner, or even to get your first date is to take responsibility for your own power, which every one of us possesses. If you are lonely right now, and wondering why you could never find or attract a person who will truly love you, realize this: things are the way they are because that is how we insist they must be. This is one of the immortal truths of love and relationship.
Things are the way they are right now for you because you have, whether consciously or unconsciously, made some sort of emotional decisions in your recent or not so recent past, that are now counterproductive to your finding a good and wonderful partner.
You may have told yourself:
"There is a big group of people over there. Should I join in their conversation? Maybe I shouldn't, I will made a fool of myself (You are shy! You don't feel secure.)" "The person that I like is over there. Should I go over and strike up a conversation with him? But, there are other prettier women near him. He wouldn't bother to notice me." (You tell yourself you are unattractive, you stop yourself approaching the person you like). Believe, and you'll see. If you see yourself in the examples given above, now you should have a better understanding why it seems you have so much difficulties finding and attracting a wonderful mate. The answer is right here, within you. Search the answer within your-self first, do not look elsewhere.
If you believe you are too fat or too thin, and that you will never be able to attract a perfect mate, then, your 'wish' is going to materialize. Believe, and you'll see.
If you believe you will never attract a responsible and loving mate ever again (because you have been hurt badly in previous relationships or marriages), then you will never attract a wonderful mate. Period. Believe, and you'll see.
If you believe you will never capture the heart of the person you like (because you are too shy to approach him/her, or that you believe there are better and more attractive woman or man for him/her who are far better than you, or that you have no confidence of winning that person's heart), then, you'll never win the heart of this person whom you like and love so much. Believe, and you'll see.
When I see someone repeatedly trying to make something happen and being unsuccessful I always look at the person to find out why they are stopping themselves. The fact is, we all consciously (or unconsciously) choose our current circumstances or situations in our relationships. Now, ask yourself: Why are you stopping yourself?
Now, don't get me wrong. It is perfectly okay if you feel, say, you are a shy person. There is nothing wrong with you feeling this way in the first place. This could be due to a lot of factors and reasons such as your upbringing, the type of education you have received, the environment and culture you are being exposed to from a young age, or it could very likely be due to your habitual way of thinking, attitude, character and so on and so forth.
The first step in this magical process of finding, attracting and capturing the heart of the person you like, is to get in touch with your personal power right now. Take a good look at the way your life is in the relationship and marriage area and realize that it is exactly as you want it to be.
I know it is going to sound a little ironical, since you are probably reading this resource hoping to find out how to make things better in this area, the secrets of making another person like you, or the secrets of getting your first date or drawing a true love to you somewhat magically (if you are not yet eyeing someone you know).
For me to say that it is already just the way you want it is somewhat of a paradox. However, this is really the starting point and the foundation of having personal power in your relationships.
Much of my work with my clients is to help them get back in touch with their personal power, by showing them they are the ones who make their relationship choices. If they still could not find or attract a true love, or that they are still unable to connect with a person they like, it is NOT because other people have not considered them, are rejecting them, or that they are destined to be lonely all their life (many of them believe so!), but that they themselves make such relationship choices! Once they see this clearly, once they understand what is going on, a certain realization and freedom emerges in them. Having regained their power, they are now ready to use it to create something different in their love lives.
This awareness, that of acknowledging our power, and seeing how and why we have made all of our current choices in relationships and other areas, is the magic elixir that opens up a new world of possibilities.
108 Easy Ways to find, attract & keep a True Love!
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You can learn the insider secrets to getting the man or woman that you desire! ==>
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