Thursday, April 9, 2009

How to Create Your Own Relationship Reality by Cucan Pemo

Over the past few years, I’ve been teaching people some of my most prized and valuable relationship strategies and ideas online. Most of what I’ve been teaching are nothing new and the principles, strategies and tips which I’ve learnt and shared with my friends, associates and readers come from various sources and resources which I’ve been researching and studied for almost 3 years.

One of the main reasons why my teachings, materials and tips work for many people is I’ve found ways to apply these time tested principles, “formulas” and tips in the real world. This is one skill I’ve been emphasizing in all my works and that is, you have to make the knowledge you have gained your OWN! Other people can share with you or teach you their secret “formulas”, their magical strategies and their powerful tips, but nothing will happen for YOU if you do not have the intention to put these teachings and strategies into practice, customize them, and make them work for you!

I’ve been exposed to the “master principle” which I would like to share with you here – No matter where you are in your relationship right now, YOU create your own relationship reality.

And I’ve put it here as the Number One tip you have to master to make love and relationship work for you. In fact, if you master just this one principle, you’ll be able to master the rest and the light might just go on for you! Once you internalize this principle, everything else about relationships and dating will start to click.

This “master principle” is universally applicable to ALL aspects of your life and relationships - to your relationship, and to ANY other relationships, anywhere. I cannot emphasize enough how important just this one principle is. If you are wondering whether this will all work for you, I’m a living proof of using and applying this “master principle”. My most successful clients and customers are ALL people who have internalize this teaching and make the impossible possible – retrieving their lover/spouse/partner under the most difficult and adverse condition or circumstance or even attracting their true love!

If you think you are no good at meeting people, walking over to a man or woman, presenting friendly conversations and non-threatening body language, and engaging in a friendly and pleasant conversation with him, you know something? It is not that you are no good at this; but you have made yourself believe that you are no good at it! You think you are no good, so you are no good.

If you have a past relationship that has failed, or even failed a number of times for that matter, don’t let your past control your present and determine your future. This universe is full of abundance. It certainly does not have to remain true that you will not be able to attract and find your true love. This is up to YOU! YOU decide.

Whatever it is that is not going your way on the outside of you, be it any of your life or relationship circumstances or situations, check the inside! Always start from within you. Take the analogy of a tree with its roots buried deep within the ground. Can you visualize it? If the roots (the invisible) are not good; the visible parts of it will not be good too. Period. Remember this simple but profound truth, having tension on the inside of you guarantees resistance on the outside.

Conversely, relaxation inside will reduce resistance outside. Heighten your immunity to negative and discouraging influences of all kinds, both physical and mental, by learning to change your thinking, as and when it is necessary. Your thoughts are very powerful. The kind of thoughts you hold each and every single seconds coupled with your intense emotions WILL create for you YOUR reality.

Change your thoughts today. And you change your relationship and love reality.

FREE details ==>

T 'Dub' authored a simple, down to earth step by step plan called
"The Magic Of Making Up". And it worked like magic for us. Now we are more in love than ever.

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