Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Big Mistakes Men Make While Flirting and How to Avoid Them.

Let me ask you a question...

Have you ever met a girl you liked, and despite your best efforts, you got stuck in the "lets just be friends" category?

Do you ever wonder why this happens?

Chances are it is because you did not flirt correctly with the woman.

Since flirting is a vital element in the process of attraction and you do not do it correctly, or even worse, not at all, you may be leaving your opportunity to be with the woman up to chance.

What is the importance of flirting?

The answer is simple really; the process of flirting creates sexual tension.

When there is no sexual tension within your interactions, there will be no attraction. When you do not have attraction, this places you in a different category.

You guessed it - A FRIEND!

Your attraction enhances when you know how to flirt with women properly.

Flirting is no big secret as many might consider, flirting is a lot of fun. Flirting does not work only if it is not done properly.

See, there's an art to flirting with a woman. Flirting is all about communicating your sexual interest in the girl, without coming right out and SAYING it.

These are mixed signals.

You communicate one thing yet your words say something very different.

Some of the most common mistakes men make while flirting with a woman include:

MISTAKE #1: Being Too Obvious

Some men find it overwhelming when they feel attraction to a woman and then spit it all out at once letting her know how they feel. This type of presentation of information places the woman at a disadvantage of deciding what she feels for the man.

Keep in mind, by not laying the groundwork properly beforehand, you risk the chance of finding rejection from the woman.

MISTAKE #2: Not Being Obvious Enough!

If you make no effort to communicate your interest, yet think the woman will just know what you feel, when you do make a move it surprises the woman, because up until that point she has no idea of your interest.

MISTAKE #3: They Rely On Words Instead Of Actions

Although, flirting includes what you say and the way you say it, the most powerful performance comes from your non-verbal body language. The small simple things like raising an eyebrow, tilting your head to one side and that wicked little grin, that carries the most meaning in a seemingly innocent remark.

MISTAKE #4: They Take Things Too Seriously

Flirting is a lighthearted and fun practice, it is when serious romantic gestures begin that causes the sexual tension to break down.

If you're not having fun when flirting - and more importantly, if the girl isn't having fun - then you are doing something WRONG.

Although, there are other mistakes, these few should give you some ideas. Would you like to learn the proper way to begin flirting?

Use as many sexual overtones as possible, this is a good way to flirt, however, you must keep it subtle.

Let us say you are at a bar, for example and the woman you are with orders a drink and then asks if you would like one as well, you can jokingly say to her, You aren't trying to get me drunk and take advantage of me, are you, while adding a nod and a wink.

Flirting communicates your attraction, although you never come right out and say it. Flirting is a lighthearted fun form of insinuation.

On the other hand, when a woman says something temptingly naughty to you, you might say to her, Stop trying to seduce me, you minx! You know I don't do that on the first date.

See how that works?

After you begin flirting more often, you will begin to be more apparent concerning your interests, without ever crossing that line.

While doing this, you begin to notice the attraction that is building between you and the woman. Before much longer, all that harmless flirting turns into outright seduction.

The real fun begins at this point.

To read more, please Click Here!

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