Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Should You Romance a Woman on Dates?

Here's a commonly heard ...

Boy meets girl.Boy gets girl's number.Boy calls up girl and sets up the first date.

Boy shows up on girl's doorstep with flowers or a gift, brings her to an expensive

restaurant and talks about how he REALLY likes her.Girl quickly ends the date and

doesn't answer any of his phone calls later.

This is familiar because it's something that almost every guy must have faced at

some point in his dating life. The truth is we've all been PROGRAMMED to behave this

way. In a regualar romantic movie, the male character wins over a girl's affection

by confessing his undying love. And if you've ever watched one of these movies with

a girl, you'll notice how emotional and choked up she gets.

So naturally, it seems logical to think that romantic gestures on your first couple

of dates are the best way to attract her interest.

The question is- Should you be romantic when you first meet a woman?

Well I would say NO. And here's the reason why...

Men and women approach dating in different ways. Guys pretty much know we like a

girl before the date begins. If she's attractive and seems interesting, we're already

hooked. For us, the first couple of dates is the time where we're obsessed with

proving ourselves (and maybe get a little action)! One way that's been proven

to work is to do the "romantic" gestures we see "working" in Hollywood movies.

Whereas women, view dating as a way to "qualify" a guy. Sure she might be

interested, but in truth subconsciously she is looking for the specific qualities

which can at times ELIMINATE a guy as a potential dating partner.ONE wrong move

and you'll get the "Let's Just Be Friends" speech!

I would suggest, be a little careful with the romantic gestures. U might end up

showing that you really don't care about who she is as a person. Instead you're

giving away your power and showing that you're already into her before she's even

proven herself.

A woman wants to feel like she's EARNED a guy's interest. And not solely because of

her looks. While she's still trying to figure him out, he's already demonstrating his


So what do women want from men?


Sexual attraction is that feeling she gets when she's with a guy who resonates in the

EMOTIONAL side of her mind.This is a feeling you can't buying her with gifts or by

being romantic. These actions only speak to the LOGICAL side of her mind.To create

sexual attraction, you have to show the qualities of a man who makes a woman

feel excited and stimulated like...

• Challenging her actions and statements

• Using humor to tease and banter

• Showing a spontaneous attitude

• Demonstrating a high level of confidence

• Being trustworthy with a little bit of danger

• Showing independence in your life

• Making her feel important

The last quality can be a little confusing.Most guys act romantic because they

THINK they're trying to make her feel important. This is wrong because at first she's

done nothing to prove herself.

Having said that, while you should never show up on your first couple of dates with

an armful of roses, you should show your interest IF she's passing your tests and

meets your standards.

In other words, if you're having a great time and she meets the qualities that you're

looking for, then you can start showing that she's earning your approval.

Finally, one very important thing...

I am sure you also want to be a gentleman by- Opening the door, leading her with

your body language, and paying for the first date. But at the same time, you want

to also tease and create the sexual tension that's necessary for attraction.

I would suggest that ditch the romantic gestures on your first couple of dates, act

like a gentleman and use this time to find out if she's right for you!

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