Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Big Mistakes Men Make While Flirting and How to Avoid Them.
Have you ever met a girl you liked, and despite your best efforts, you got stuck in the "lets just be friends" category?
Do you ever wonder why this happens?
Chances are it is because you did not flirt correctly with the woman.
Since flirting is a vital element in the process of attraction and you do not do it correctly, or even worse, not at all, you may be leaving your opportunity to be with the woman up to chance.
What is the importance of flirting?
The answer is simple really; the process of flirting creates sexual tension.
When there is no sexual tension within your interactions, there will be no attraction. When you do not have attraction, this places you in a different category.
You guessed it - A FRIEND!
Your attraction enhances when you know how to flirt with women properly.
Flirting is no big secret as many might consider, flirting is a lot of fun. Flirting does not work only if it is not done properly.
See, there's an art to flirting with a woman. Flirting is all about communicating your sexual interest in the girl, without coming right out and SAYING it.
These are mixed signals.
You communicate one thing yet your words say something very different.
Some of the most common mistakes men make while flirting with a woman include:
MISTAKE #1: Being Too Obvious
Some men find it overwhelming when they feel attraction to a woman and then spit it all out at once letting her know how they feel. This type of presentation of information places the woman at a disadvantage of deciding what she feels for the man.
Keep in mind, by not laying the groundwork properly beforehand, you risk the chance of finding rejection from the woman.
MISTAKE #2: Not Being Obvious Enough!
If you make no effort to communicate your interest, yet think the woman will just know what you feel, when you do make a move it surprises the woman, because up until that point she has no idea of your interest.
MISTAKE #3: They Rely On Words Instead Of Actions
Although, flirting includes what you say and the way you say it, the most powerful performance comes from your non-verbal body language. The small simple things like raising an eyebrow, tilting your head to one side and that wicked little grin, that carries the most meaning in a seemingly innocent remark.
MISTAKE #4: They Take Things Too Seriously
Flirting is a lighthearted and fun practice, it is when serious romantic gestures begin that causes the sexual tension to break down.
If you're not having fun when flirting - and more importantly, if the girl isn't having fun - then you are doing something WRONG.
Although, there are other mistakes, these few should give you some ideas. Would you like to learn the proper way to begin flirting?
Use as many sexual overtones as possible, this is a good way to flirt, however, you must keep it subtle.
Let us say you are at a bar, for example and the woman you are with orders a drink and then asks if you would like one as well, you can jokingly say to her, You aren't trying to get me drunk and take advantage of me, are you, while adding a nod and a wink.
Flirting communicates your attraction, although you never come right out and say it. Flirting is a lighthearted fun form of insinuation.
On the other hand, when a woman says something temptingly naughty to you, you might say to her, Stop trying to seduce me, you minx! You know I don't do that on the first date.
See how that works?
After you begin flirting more often, you will begin to be more apparent concerning your interests, without ever crossing that line.
While doing this, you begin to notice the attraction that is building between you and the woman. Before much longer, all that harmless flirting turns into outright seduction.
The real fun begins at this point.
To read more, please Click Here!
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300 Creative Dates Book Review - Is it worth it?
So does Michael Webb's 300 Creative Dates book deliver on its promise as having creative, unique and fun dates?
Yes and no. Let me explain.
While there are 300 ideas in this book, you probably already guessed that you might not like or want to use all 300 of them. While many of the ideas are very creative, others are only a good reminder of places that everyone knows about but they either forgot or never realized that they’re such ideal places for a date.
Thankfully the, "I would-have-NEVER-thought-of-that-in-a-million-years!" ideas DO outweigh the date idea refreshers.
This book will make you smile, laugh and inspire you to always find the adventure in whatever it is you're doing.
It also has 'dating coupons' you can give to your partner to redeem at a later date. Three examples are: "Redeem this for a fruit-picking day at an orchard or berry patch, a one-hour bike ride or an evening at a nearby drive-in theatre.” Plus some you can use yourself.
Also, the book has a great section on dating disaster stories that will definitely show the guys what NEVER to do on dates.
So is the book perfect?
No. While there are 300 ideas, you really can't read more than 50-60 in one sitting before it gets tedious, and some descriptions are a little lengthy. However, pages 93-94 do have a nice list of bullets with 'quick and to the point' date ideas ready. No elaboration. If you're in the need of a date idea fast, then you'll love these pages. All in all, this is still a fantastic book that everyone should read!
Whether you want to impress that special someone on a first date, surprise them for a special anniversary or occasion, or just want to breathe new life into your relationship because it's getting a little on the bland side, then grab this book now.
For all the details, Click Here!
Friday, March 20, 2009
Engage her into your conversation.
For example how often have you heard bad pick up lines such as:
"Did it hurt? When you fell from heaven, did it hurt?"
"Do I know you from somewhere?"
"Did you wash your pants with windex? Because I can see myself in them."
Let's face it - if you use lines like these on a girl, she's not going to give you the time of day.
But because the bad pick up lines get so much attention, people think ALL pick up lines are like this.
However, this is not correct.
A good pick up line will ACTUALLY help you pick up a woman.
The true point in using pick up lines is to begin a conversation.
That is all.
You can work your magic to do what you need to get a date with her, a phone number and an emotional connection, once she begins talking to you.
If you cannot begin a conversation, you can do little else.
Because you shouldn't just be talking to a girl. You should be ENGAGING the girl. Pulling her into a conversation with you is the only sure-fire way to further your agenda.
And guess what? A good pick up line will do that!
Do you know that when most men meet women they are at a loss for words to begin talking to a woman? They try to think of something off the top of their head, while often missing the opportunity of meeting a nice woman, before they can think of something to say.
It is essential to have at least a couple of good working pick up lines, especially for those times when you are nervous and cannot think of anything original that helps you take action.
Keep in mind that women are wise; never use these types of pick up lines, since they get you nowhere at all.
"Don't I know you from somewhere?"
This is lame pick up line and women know it, this is not a clever pick up line and makes you look bad.
Other unimpressive pick up lines include complimenting a woman on her clothing, asking for directions and telling her she looks like a movie star.
Why is this?
Because these things do not ENGAGE the girl. Once she responds, there is nothing to keep her in the conversation.
Avoid pick up lines that have yes and no answers. Good pick up lines get a woman to think about her reply, while inducing an emotional reaction, which encourages her to continue talking with you.
How can you engage a woman in conversation with you?
Easy, ask her opinion about some issue, since each woman has her own opinion, she likes to share with other, especially when it concerns relationships.
So to give you an example, you could say something like: "Hey, can I get your opinion on something real quick? Do you think it's wierd for a woman to try and get pregnant because she wants her baby to be born under a certain astrological sign? I really want to hear a woman's perspective on this."
Then follow up with a short story of how a woman may want her and her children's zodiac sign to be compatible, so they interact well together throughout their lives.
These various types of subjects for conversation can be about:
1. Relationships 2. Astrology 3. Marriage 4. Pregnancy 5. Children
The number of ways you can go with this are endless. Some of my favorite follow ups are:
"Do you believe in astrology?" (this can lead into discussions of fate and destiny)
"What is your zodiac sign?" (This can lead to talking about your sign compatibility - as a general rule, no matter what your sign is - you are compatible!)
"Do you like kids? You seem like the nurturing type."
I could go on and on, but you get the idea.
The design of a good pick up line engages a woman into deep and interesting conversations that provide you with an opportunity to get to know one another as you become familiar with each other.
To read more, Click Here!
6 Steps to be "The Guy" Women want to be seen with.
Remember the last time you saw that weird lookin’ dude with that pretty woman and you asked yourself “How?”
Ever wondered why the Top Boss or the Super Rich Ugly Guy has all the hot women around him? No, it’s not that she is crazy for his money or power. She genuinely likes him.
And if you doubting my words, think again. Think about the last time you were nervous. What vibe were you giving out? What did your body language say about you? Would women really want to be around a man with that kind of a body language?
Now, think about successful guys. They've got girls all over them and some great body language going on.
So, what's the number one secret between those high status guys and the low status guys? You've probably guessed it... the alpha males are relaxed and in control when it comes to social situations.
Make no mistake about it... relaxation is the most important mental state for you to be in.
With that in mind, here are some pointers for you to develop the mindset and body language of an alpha male (and by the way, if you think they're easy, you're right... you can make these changes as early as tonight and have even the hottest girls clamoring for your attention):
1. Don't allow yourself to feel worried. Just let your worries go, since you can't solve any problem by worrying. So suck it up, and quit thinking about what might go wrong. Just live life.
Now, I know what I just said is easier said than done (to use an old--but relevant in this case--cliche). You've spent your whole life up until now dwelling on thoughts that make you feel worried.
But what is this emotion we call "worry"? When you think about it, it's simply the fear of what might happen in the future. Essentially you're punishing yourself by feeling upset before anything bad has happened. It makes no logical sense to worry!
So the solution is to avoid contemplating your worrisome thoughts anymore. Identify them for what they are... toxic to your emotional state, and... let them go.
Simply not dwelling on negative outcomes that make you feel upset will reduce 90% of your worries.
2. A second strategy to relax is to breathe through your abdomen rather than your chest.
When you breathe, imagine that you're bringing air down to your stomach. Feel your belly rise and fall as you breathe.
3. Avoid nonverbal behaviors that are the opposite of relaxation:
- Raising your shoulders.
- Wrinkling your forehead.
- Fidgeting with your hands and/or legs.
- Tightening your facial muscles.
4. Relax all your muscles and slow down all of your movements a notch.
Alpha males generally move unhurriedly, as if they are in control of time itself. Beta males are nervous and make jerky movements. Imagine you are standing and walking through a swimming pool, where your movements are slow and fluid.
5. Relax your eyes and eyelids.
Beta males hold their eyelids wide open because they are so nervous. Their eyes dart all around. Instead let your eyelids rest. Look straight ahead. Only give things your attention if they interest you. While you're out and about, do the affirmation to yourself, "I am sexual, I am relaxed, and I am in control."
6. If someone wants your attention, move your head slowly.
A trait common to many beta males is being so eager to please that when someone calls their name, you see them spin their heads toward the person unnaturally fast.
To read more, Click Here!
Click Here to find out 7 Steps To Becoming The Alpha Male . . . Through Hypnosis
How to strike the First Conversation
Here's a common scenario most men have experienced at some point or another in their lives. You find yourself talking to a girl, maybe you approached her and consciously started a conversion, or perhaps the chat began unplanned, naturally. Either way, you're enjoying each other's company. After a while, it dawns on you that you and the girl you're talking to are going to have to go your separate ways pretty soon, which poses a slight dilemma: how can you make it so this isn't the first and last time you two are together and instead arrange for it to progress into something further? The obvious route to take is to perform a 'closer'.
A closer is when you make a conscious effort to get a girl's number, swap both your numbers, arrange to meet up again soon, or otherwise cross that social "getting to know you" line. Thing is, you don't want your closer to crash and burn, you want the girl to happily agree to whatever it is you suggest. So how can help ensure that happens? You use psychology, specifically, 'The Power of Yes' technique. The technique involves getting the girl you're interacting with to give several positive 'yes' responses to your questions in quick succession. Doing so helps develop an internal sense of positivity in the female that carries over in her mind to when you perform the actual closer and tips the balance in the direction of agreement to your request or suggestion.
You can do this by using subtle and casual responses after she says things, like: "Really?" and "Do you?" Match your response to what she's just said and ensure it takes the form of a question that you're sure will prompt a 'yes' response from her. Getting between 3 and 6 of these positive responses is usually enough to allow the principle to work.
At the same time, avoid asking questions or saying things near the end of your conversation, just before you're about to close, that could possibly evoke negative reactions or "no" responses from the female.
The reason this technique works so well is because of the natural human phenomenon mentioned at the start of this article - that people feel it's important to be consistent and congruent in the things they say and the situation they're in. After responding to you positively half a dozen times, a natural inclination is created in the female's mind for saying 'yes' - she's gotten used to it. When you finally suggest going for a bite to eat tomorrow or visiting that museum together you told her about, the most natural and consistent response in her mind is a responding "Yes!"…it just feels right.
Become a king of conversation and a master at picking up girls!
5 Tips For an Amazing Relationship
Time and time again, people tell me my ideas are wonderful, but they feel they can't be as loving or romantic as I am because they don't have enough hours in the day.
I have the same amount of time given to me each day as everyone else does. It's how I prioritize the time that might be different. Besides my relationship with my Creator, my time spent with Athena is most important to me. More important than my job. More important than the money I make. More important than exercise. More important than my friends or other family members. And yes, even more important than Ashton, my darling little son.
I am not against nice items for those who can afford them and don't have to work insane hours to attain them. But I am slightly perplexed by those who work too many hours or have a long daily commute just so they can have "things," not realizing they are losing something that is even more valuable and precious.
2# Share Secrets Together
I've got a secret and I'm not sharing. Actually, I have a lot of secrets. There are a lot of things that are only known to Athena and me. That keeps us close. I like it when Athena shares things with me that she doesn't share with others. It makes me feel special and unique in her eyes. I tell her things that I don't tell my friends or family. It's not like these are horrible things we have done that we can't tell others. I just want Athena to feel like she knows me better than anyone else.
Make your sweetheart feel special. Always share important things with them first. Let some things remain a secret between the two of you for a little while before letting the rest of the world know all about your personal life.
3# Have Date Nights
Without special time together, relationships can pull apart or simply become stale. But you can't simply replace doing nothing with doing the exact same thing week after week. The - oh-so-predictable - dinner and a movie can be all right if mixed up with some other types of dates. Here are a few suggestions: Bookstore, library, museum, zoo or park date, or together collect clothes for a shelter.
4# Spice Up Your Love Life
If you find that sex is becoming very sporadic in your relationship (and you are not happy with that) consider scheduling "sex nights." Just like date nights, schedule one or two days each week for physical intimacy. Some people find the idea of planned sex off-putting at first, but later come to anticipate the weekly ritual. Having sex planned in advance makes for prolonged foreplay!
5# Get Your Debt Under Control
If you want to have a blissful relationship, you will need to get your debt under control (or at least a plan to do so). Otherwise, your debt will control you and affect you physically and psychologically.
When you get a paycheck, the first thing you should do is set aside money for charity/church. Doesn't seem logical, but it works. Sit down with your partner and discuss all aspects of your family budget. Only when you analyze your spending habits will you fully realize where you are wasting money. It’s a great opportunity to talk about your goals and dreams. Realize that frivolously spending money can be a sign of disrespect for your marriage and mate.
If you would like a bigger diamond ring or a fancier car, ask yourself why. Take a quick inventory of all the items you own but could really live without. Consider how much you paid for them. What if you didn't buy those items and had all that money in savings instead? Would it make a difference in how you view your job, your family and your future?
To read more, Click Here!